The Ayder Hospital is our partner for advanced medical development in northern Ethiopia

Ayder Hospigtal Eingang
Emergency Car am Eingang des Ayder Hospitals
Ayder Hospital Wartezone
Ayder Hospitals Mitteltrakt
Assitenzärzte Gynäkologie üben Sonografie
Chirurgie im Ayder Hospital
Ayder Hospital von hnten

Our current focus for continuous medical education and counseling
The Ayder Referral University Hospital in Mekelle

As described in "Why we do it", the Ayder Referral Hospital of the University of Mekelle, the capital of the northern province of Tigray, was selected as the current target for the activities of the members of the group Etio Healthcare. One of the most important points is that in addition to a building structure which is good for African conditions, it is characterized by a very interested, willing and committed medical and administrative team. Including a strong support from the University and the goverment.

The goal is to shape this university hospital sustainable in such a way that it can serve as a model for other university and large municipal hospitals through the combination of material assistance and regular use in Mekelle by specialists from Germany in all areas..

Medical Support Activities


Internal Medicine

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Abdominal Surgery



RHD Project


Tips for Physicians

Download your customizable
MS Word .dotx template for:

Echo report

Cath lab report (coronary)


Cardiology Dicom - Viewer
for X-ray cine, CT, MRI viewer
(sorry only for Apple MAC OSX computers)
It is free!!:

Horus Dicom Viewer Website for download:

Download Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 19th edition (from 2015) as .pdf


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