Ethiopia-Witten is involved in these projects

Ethiopia - Tigray Province (as of September 2024)

School children in need: Daily school meals at a rural elementary school in central Tigray near the town of Abiy Addi.
    Financing from own donations.

Financial aid for women raped in the Tigray war at Ayder University Hospital and Mekelle City Hospital.
    One-Stop Center - food for women giving birth in hospital
    Mama Kid - Kit to care for the newborn and basic food ration for several weeks for the mother upon discharge from the hospital.
nbsp]     Financing from own donations

Reconstruction of rural health centers destroyed in the war.
    Financing the training and implementation of the reconstruction work of medical students at the University of Mekelle in their final year of training through Hospital Partnerships. *

Training of medical students from the University of Mekelle in their final year of study in radiology at the university hospital in Addis Ababa.
    Financing of part of the travel and accommodation costs through Hospital Partnerships *

Reconstruction of the radiology department at Ayder University Hospital in Mekelle
    Replacement of equipment for the preparation of X-ray images
    Joint funding from the German Embassy in Addis Ababa, donations from Etiopia-Witten e.V. and TRAC TRUST SCIO / Ethiopia

Support for the improvement of training in the field of hospital hygiene for medical staff in the Ayder  University Hospital in Mekelle.
    The University of Bochum is in charge. Financing via Hospital Partnerships *.


*The projects are funded by financial means of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the funding programme Hospital Partnerships of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

During and after Tigray war, we continue to support Ayder Hospital in Mekelle - Tigray


Since March 2020, Etiopia-Witten's annual "Mekelle German Week" in spring is no longer possible.

The COVID-19 epidemic in March 2020 and the following Tigray war in November 2020 with the total siege of the entire Tigray province including Mekelle made it impossible for Etiopia-Witten to continue its traditional development aid in Tigray.

To continue providing medical care in Tigray, Etiopia-Witten focused on the Ayder Hospital of the University of Mekelle, as there are good and trusting connections with the hospital's senior doctors. Thanks to the financial support, it was possible to ensure the supply of food for the hospital staff. We are still limiting ourselves to financial support, as it is not possible to carry out visits due to the uncertain security situation on the ground, which has not yet stabilized.  

We have received information from the schools that Etiopia-Witten has set up that they have not been destroyed, but need investment for renovation.

With the support of leaders from Mekelle University, we were able to use the donations entrusted to us to set up daily school meals for the students in one of the remote rural schools in central Tigray, the Laeley Seken School near the town of Abyie Adi, until the coming harvest is available.

Before the Tigray war - Where and how was Etiopia-Witten acitve

The association's work takes place in Germany and Ethiopia (to raise money donations, seek and collect donations in kind, check availability, send out, recruiting professionals, organizing their trips and accommodation on-site). All work is done on a voluntary basis so that only very low administrative costs arise.

Initially, the medical project in the Bishoftu Hospital in Debre Zeyt, 70 km south of the capital Addis Ababa, was supported.

At the request of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, the focus shifted from there to a newly built University Hospital to the in 2006 newly built and in 2011 opened Ayder Referral Hospital of the University of Mekelle. Mekelle is the capital of the northern Ethiopian province Tigray.

The association thus aims to support the introduction of modern medical diagnostic and treatment techniques in technologically advanced university medical facilities in major cities of the country. This serves both that provide better health care of the population and improve quality of the medical education.

In this way, we open opportunities for the young, committed Ethiopian physicians  to become familiar with specialized medical fields allows. Also, the already trained abroad Ethiopian physicians are given the possibility to use their acquired skills in health care in their own country successfully.
Collaboration in the medical field is underway with the St. Paul's Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa (

Unlike many humanitarian organizations, our help is organized in projects that are accompanied from start to finish by the association. First, it is determined on the spot where concrete help is required and desired. Then it is checked whether the association can afford this help. If necessary, regulatory obstacles are removed and, eventually, financing, e.g. the transport costs of trainers and material or construction costs clarified.


Containier kommt im Ayder Hospital an

Arrival of a container with relief goods in the Ayder Hospital
(800 km transport of the container from the port in Djibouti)

The on-site staff will be trained in the proper use of these devices and Etiopia-Witten is available to assist with technical and medical issues at any time thereafter.

Great emphasis is attached to improve the education of all in-hospital workers. This happens on-site, as currently in the Ayder Hospital in Mekelle, through the regular and repeated use of German doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, and specialists in the field of administration and technology. This over a longer period of time and in the same institution. All professionals work free of charge and frequently finance their flights themselves or with the support of the Senior Expert Service in Bonn ( The cost of accommodation on-site and transportation is usually covered by the University of Mekelle.

The town twinning between the city of Witten and the city of Mekelle, which was established in 2016, will benefit from the exchange of experience and support at the municipal level, the further development of the Ayder Hospital, and the improvement of the entire urban infrastructure of the city of Mekelle. One example is cooperation in the field of the fire brigade.

Another area that has been developing well since 2012 within the association is the financing, organization, and supervision of the construction of the new school and the furnishing of rural elementary schools together with the University of Mekelle ( and the Tigray Development Association (TDA - The current focus is on the rural region in the metropolitan area of Mekelle.


Karte Deutschland - Äthiopien

Germany and Ethiopia are 5000 kilometers
 away from each other

Karte Nordäthiopien

Our focus is the region around Mekelle
in the province of Tigray in the north of the country

Tigray Karte Ausschnitt



Modernization and medical training at the Ayder Hospital of the University of Mekelle
Modernization and medical training at the Ayder Hospital of the University of Mekelle
Training of modern medical techniques in Ayder Hospitals Mekelletal (in the cardiac catheterization lab)
Training of modern medical techniques in Ayder Hospitals Mekelletal (in the cardiac catheterization lab)
Construction and installation of rural primary schools in northern Ethiopia
Construction and installation of rural primary schools in northern Ethiopia
Städepartnerschaft zwTwin-town relation between Mekelle and Witten is sealedischen Mekelle und Witten wird besiegelt
Twin-town relation between Mekelle and Witten is sealed
Ladder cart of the fire department Witten as a gift to the city of Mekelle
Ladder cart of the fire department Witten as a gift to the city of Mekelle